When your child is struggling with anxiety, it can be incredibly difficult to navigate as a parent. As parents, we want what is best for our children and sometimes when our children feel anxious, it can make us feel anxious too, or even frustrated or upset. Always remember that in order to effectively support your child, you must be feeling calm yourself, first. I refer to the airplane analogy: when facing trouble on a flight, aircraft staff always remind parents to put on their own oxygen masks before helping their children. This is similar to supporting your children’s mental health and wellbeing – we cannot support them effectively if we are feeling stressed or anxious ourselves.

The first step towards helping our children with their anxious thoughts and feelings is to understand anxiety. We have a free leaflet available on our website (in the mental health & social/emotional development section) for parents which provides a basic understanding for anxiety. We also have plenty of other free resources relating to children’s mental health and wellbeing for you to download as and when you need them.
