Supporting anxiety in the classroom

Supporting anxiety in the classroom

Anxiety in the Classroom According to Public Health England (2016), between 2%-4% of five to sixteen year olds have a diagnosable anxiety disorder. This makes them the most common of all childhood psychiatric disorders. Public Health England (2016) also identified...
Why is Play so important?

Why is Play so important?

Importance of Play in Childhood The importance of play in childhood development cannot be overestimated. It is an area often ignored by the curriculum, but research evidence has shown us repeatedly that play is vital for children and young people to develop...
Mindfulness in Schools

Mindfulness in Schools

Mindfulness in Schools Recently, the BPS research digest has discussed if teenagers are too cynical for mindfulness to work with them. The original research article by Johnson, Burke, Brinkman and Wade, (2017) found that in early adolescence, these participants showed...
How to Write Social Stories

How to Write Social Stories

Social Stories and Autistic Spectrum Disorder It is often very frustrating when there are barriers in communication, particularly for those who have autistic spectrum disorder (ASD). Due to these barriers, often those with ASD struggle to understand social rules or...